Say something about Philemon Foundation Seminars here
Here lets say what they can do with Philemon Foundation, all possible angles and areas they can volunteer
Details about training and sessions go here, what you train on and when!
Who can donate, and how donations are used and accounted for!
Here lets show how we help them get jobs and any other employment opportunities
Let’s add extras here, this page should give the readers a clear picture of what Philemon Foundation done…
Let’s have a history/background here. Mission and Vision goes here as well. E.G: Here we can have pictures and videos (if any) about the foundation
About Us, Inc. now has more than one million members nationwide. It was founded in 2005 by a team of professionals with senior executive backgrounds in media, online recruiting and human capital management. They have worked at major media, recruiting and human capital management brands such as AOL, Monster Worldwide and Towers Watson, built and managed strategic relationships with leading e-recruiters such as CareerBuilder and Monster, and helped build successes such as (now owned by IBM).
Along with a growing number of labor analysts,’s human resources experts observe that a long-predicted workforce change is now underway. The change, possibly the largest since women went to work en masse in the 1970’s, is spurred by several factors. Among them: population shifts that have baby boomers turning age 65 amidst a dwindling supply of younger workers, health changes that have people living longer than ever, a new definition of retirement that includes a desire to stay active or a need to remain gainfully employed (see “What is a Retirement Job?“), and new research confirming what many may have known all along– that, on top of experience, older workers bring valuable traits such as lower turnover, greater dependability, a stronger work ethic, and flexibility over work schedule and pay.
Here at, our goal is to identify companies most-suited to older workers and match them with active, productive, conscientious, mature adults seeking a job or project that matches their lifestyle. Whether you are here seeking to supplement your income, a new challenge, a way to get out and meet people, or another reason, welcome! We are working hard to make each of your visits here a positive one, and we know our work will never quite be done.
Free for Job Seekers
The (RJC) service is completely free for job seekers. We provide the option of upgrading to our premium service which gives access to seminars and special content, and enables job seekers to easily identify job openings from employers we have certified or pre-certified as age friendly. also makes money by charging fees to employers who turn to to post open positions and access a database of qualified mature workers. Advertisers pay to deliver messages about topics such as financial services, education, health and travel.
How We Intend to Make a Difference
For every one person who has landed a fulfilling retirement job, there are several others who, despite their valuable work and personality traits, have not mustered the courage or found an easy way to connect with an employer. We aim to ease the way, providing opportunity, inspiration, community and counsel to people over 50 who seek work that matches their lifestyle and economic security needs.
Our Corporate Advisory Board
The Corporate Advisory Board provides ongoing business direction as the Company expands its product offerings. The Advisory Board is comprised of thought leaders from the media, human capital, business and academic communities.
Here lets use this space to list any other types of support/help we provide, it could be anything that the retirees may find value for and reason to join the foundation….
Here lets use this space to list any other types of support/help we provide, it could be anything that the retirees may find value for and reason to join the foundation….
Here lets use this space to list any other types of support/help we provide, it could be anything that the retirees may find value for and reason to join the foundation….
Here lets use this space to list any other types of support/help we provide, it could be anything that the retirees may find value for and reason to join the foundation….
Here, a short “call to action sentence” calling out for the public to donate.